Band Calendar

The Mick Jagger Centre

The Mick Jagger Centre Shepherds Ln, Dartford

Venue: The Mick Jagger Centre, Shepherds Ln, Dartford DA1 2JZ 1pm: Quorn PA load in 2pm: Band arrive and load in 3pm: BV's arrive 4pm: Sound check - 6pm: Soundcheck end 7.30: Show Plenty of parking at venue Load in easy from side of building  

Boisdale, Canary Wharf

Boisdale, Cabot Place, Canary Wharf, London, E14 4QT Cabot Place, Canary Wharf,, London

Acapela Studio

Acapela Studio Heol Y Pentre, Cardiff, United Kingdom

FULL BAND - CONFIRMED Venue: Acapela Studio, Heol Y Pentre, Pentyrch CF15 9QD 3pm: Band arrive and load in 4pm: BV's arrive 4.30pm: Sound check 6pm: Soundcheck end 8.00pm: Show  parking in street by venue Lovely pizza and beverages supplied by the Acapela Team  

The Hazlitt Theatre – Maidstone, Kent

The Hazlitt Theatre - Maidstone, Kent Earl Street, Town Centre, Maidstone ME14 1PL, Maidstone, Kent, United Kingdom